Saturday, March 30, 2013

Oh my gosh I am a slacker!

Well the end of the month is here and I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting ready for the trip. Toooooootally forgot to do this. So we shall play catch up .*yet again*
Day 24- Most Embarrassing moment. Yeah, so not going into detail here. It was high school and I was caught unaware by a certain lady friend.
Day 25- Describe my location. I am in my dining room/living room area. I am sitting at the computer desk. To my left, you will see my whiteboard/cork board where I write down things so I can promptly forget about them, and hang up business cards. To my right, there is a dining room table which I kind of despise. I am waiting for my husband to refinish it. Beside that is a giant block castle, seriously the blocks are as big as my head. Behind me is a book shelf which I used to keep organized and pretty. All of the pooh books with the pooh books (the spines make a picture if you line them up right) and the other books arranged by size. Now I just want them on the shelf because Munchkins favorite thing in the world is to knock all of the books off the bookshelf, sit down and look at the books. On the wall is the TV, it is mounted because I am paranoid. If that thing fell on the kids, it would kill them, so all tvs in the house get mounted. Underneath it is a entertainment center that is not being used as an entertainment center really. It holds the DVR and the internet router. The cabinets hold toys/weird knick knacks the kids decide to put in there. To the left of that is a shoe shelf thing and on the wall are hooks for coats and hats. Then the other part of the room holds the couch. There you have my living room/dining room area. Unless you were asking about my town, in which case the answer is far more simple. I can describe it in one word, white. You look out the door and all you see is SNOW. Stupid stupid snow.
Day 26- Favorite food- Red potatoes with my veggie seasoning. I could eat that everyday for the rest of my life and never ever get sick of them.
Day 27- 3 online friends I've never met in real life.... Kelly, Lexie and Monica.
Day 28- Guilty pleasure, this would have to be Wendys. I am a HUGE sucker for Wendys. Anytime I am chilling in front of the TV watching Supernatural I see Dean eating and I am like omg, I need a cheeseburger loaded with bacon. It is a TERRIBLE habit haha.
Day 29- Favorite time of year and why? This would have to be Spring. I love the cool heat, and the smell of new grass. Light rain, and waking up to the smell of morning dew is amazing. I love the green everything, the trees are blooming, the flowers are coming in, it is just beautiful!
Day 30- Favorite ice cream? Cookies and Creme hands down :)
Day 31- Self Portrait and what I liked most about this challenge.
WahLah. Took this today because of my newly dyed hair :)

What I learned doing this challenge is I suck at sticking to a schedule for myself.What I liked about this was it gave me something more to blog about. I love writing, but sometimes I have no idea what to share on here.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In my heart of hearts, I believe....

Today and yesterday the arguments began on DOMA. I sincerely hope that it never has to be debated again. I truly feel in my heart of hearts that people deserve to be married to who they love. Why would I not? I honestly am shocked when I see someone who is against gay marriage. I do not understand it, at all. It is WRONG to think that your beliefs should stop someones happiness. If you are against gay marriage, fine. But know that you are wrong. If you do not like gay marriage, do not marry someone of the same sex. It has always been my belief that no matter what I believe, I should not impose those beliefs on to another and affect their personal life. You want to marry your same sex partner? Awesome, that is beautiful. You want to practice Christianity or Satanism, or Buddhism? Awesome, good for you! You want to get an abortion, dye your hair pink with purple polka dots and punch a bunch of holes in your face? Great! Go for it!

You want to stop others from marrying the person they love because you do not agree with it? What gives you the right?? Why should what you believe affect someone elses marriage? And do not preach to me about the sanctity of marriage, if you are worried about the sanctity of traditional marriage, protest divorce.

60 best signs against DOMA & Prop 8

 Love is beautiful. How could anyone hate love of any caliber? 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I am not winning today

Most everyone who knows me, knows I try to be positive as much as possible. 

That being said, I miss my husband a lot. I got an amazing call tonight from him. He got to spend the day with our niece and nephew. I finally get to meet them when we go out there in two weeks. I am nervous as hell. You see my nephew is a month younger than my Munchkin. They look so much alike, it is kinda crazy.

I try my very very hardest not to compare him to other children, I really do. It was sound advice given to me by a close friends mother and I trust her. It was the very first thing she told me when she heard about the Munchkins MCHAT results after his doctor gave it to him. But I am already starting to in my head. My  nephew can talk. He can carry on a conversation. He not only speaks English, he speaks German as well. He met my husband for the first time and wanted him to pick him up within five minutes. He got excited about a passing car and yelled out its color.
At this point, I realized what I was doing, and I stopped to remind me of the stuff the Munchkin CAN do. But it is still hard, and I know seeing him in person is going to be even more trying for me. I am just jealous, and it is a stupid emotion. I am so jealous that I do not get to hear my children plotting to do something evil together, or want to make tents with each other and tell each other secrets. I am jealous that I do not get to hear my youngest say hi momma. I need to fight this jealousy monster off, but I am not winning that battle at the moment. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My dirty little secret

I love boy bands. I love them so much. Any boy band. I do not hold a grudge against 98* because they are not N*Sync or visa versa. I love them all. Also, I love the 80s with a passion, hair bands with good music and tighter than ever clothes? Yes please. Which is why I love this video and watch it daily. Seriously, at least once a day, take those judgey stares somewhere else!
Backstreet Boys - Just want you to know

It makes me happy. Music makes me happy, and when my love for two separate music forms comes together, I am in heaven.

Now, onto my blog challenge.
March 20th, something I collect. I suppose the only thing I could classify as "collecting" is books. I have so many books. I never really understood the obsession of collecting things. My sister collects creepy dolls and rubber ducks. Her room may look awesome, but it also creeps me out slightly. At least all of my books are educational (maybe smutty...maybe) and all different. 
March 21st, biggest fear. Simply put, that I am not enough. I can not really explain it, but that is it.
March 22nd, what I do when I am home alone. Sleep or read and then sleep. No joke, I love sleep. I shamelessly tell the Monster that it is still night time and to go back to bed until I get up, which is not until the Munchkin wakes up normally. And the Munchkin loves sleeping as much as I do. I got really lucky, he does not normally fight sleep. If he gets angry, I put him down for a nap and give him his bottle, blanket and a movie and he is happy. 
March 23rd, a hobby of mine. Once again, I do not really have a hobby. I read. That is about all I really do other than play with the kids or go out for an occasional girl date with a friend. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A letter to my psychologist, that I am giving the boot to:

Autism can be detected as early as 18 months in children, even if your personal opinion is you can not tell as "early" as two years old. Nothing a parent does, including coddling can "cause" it. A parent being with their child 24/7 is not going to slow the child's development. If anything it will speed it up. I have fought very hard to try to get my child the help he needs. When your child is 2 1/2 years old and can not talk, or even point at something. When your child has meltdowns so severe that he starts self harming because his routine has been interrupted, when your child does not know how to kick a ball, when your child gives his stuffed tigger more eye contact in one minute, than he has ever given you in his entire life it is not a good feeling for a parent. It sucks watching other children younger than yours hit milestones, because you know your child wont hit that milestone for years. I have thought it was my fault. The first two weeks after his pediatrician gave him the MCHAT and referred us to a specialist, I blamed myself, I blamed my husband, I blamed doctors, I blamed vaccines. It is no ones fault though, least of all mine. When I think of ways I could help him achieve more than he has, my only regret is not doing more. He has come as far as he has with the help of his physical therapist, an amazing pediatrician, our family and close friends, and a literal giant box full of stuffed tiggers because without tigger, he would not try nearly half the stuff he attempts. So no, he is not delayed because I coddle him. I do not need a pretentious prick to make me feel like I am ruining my childs life by being there for him. And if this was your way of trying to get me to leave the house for some 'me time' it failed miserably. And telling me that going to the Parents of Newborns club would be good for me and they could help with my questions? I know you know my children's ages, you made a big show of writing them down on your damned pad of paper, unless you are doodling instead, something I would not doubt. I sincerely hope they make you take a sensitivity class.I do not really think this is what he had in mind when he told me to write it out when I feel angry, but hey, I am doing my exercises. Plenty of deep breathing too. Here is to hoping I can find a way better therapist. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19th

What blogs do I follow and why? I follow seven so far, but today only calls for five.
I follow Becca. Mostly because she and I have been friends since high school. Then she moved to California and I had my oldest, and then she moved back to Iowa and moved in with me. We were AWESOME roommates. Together we built giant blanket forts that took up two entire rooms.

We left each other fun notes. I woke up to those notes all over my mirrors one morning. We went to walmart at 2 AM to get fairy wings, white tanks and markers and in my case a purple wig. Then we colored on our shirts, donned our outfits and went to Ihop. Purple hair really is not my thing, but it was a BLAST. So when I got married and moved away since my husband is Air Force and we got stuck in ND, I only got to see her when we went back home to visit family. Then she went and got married and her husband joined the Army. So now she gets to live in Alaska, (I am completely jealous!) and I will not see her for god only knows how many years. I have a sneaking suspicion that she is gonna sneak through in July because that is when our game of tag is active. Do not ask. Yes, we shamelessly stole the idea from a yahoo news article. So until then, I stalk her blog and her facebook.....and possibly her phone.
I follow Kelly Mae. I have never met her in person, nor anyone else on my list. I love following her though because she happens to have grown up with Becca, and I was introduced via facebook. While I have never met her in person, I can confidently say, she is one of the sweetest people I know. She is a great mother, I look up to her in that sense. She gives off an image of class and having it all together, even when she admits she does not (but who does?) I know I should give some crap line about how I am the best mother ever, but the truth is I am not. I hope to be more like her actually. Which sounds kinda stalkerish crazy I suppose since I have never met her in real life. For example, she homeschools her kids, she made them a bug farm in their house and she takes her kids places often. All things I want to do, but the idea of a bug farm in my house is terrifying to me and I will not do it. My kids hardly leave my house except in the summer, when we spend our days at the lake, devoid of human contact. I want to start more playdates for the boys. Right now we have a standing playdate every Friday, and my Monster calls them his best friends. However I wonder if two friends is "enough." They are sweet boys who love to play with Monster, but I wonder if maybe he needs to interact with more than just two other kids.
The other blogs on my list, I just stalk for fun. Don't Quote The Raven is an amazing very truthful hilarious blog. I love reading what she has to say because much of what she says regarding her two boys, I feel the same about. From her love of Britney, to her love of sleep, I can say we have a lot of similarities. Including the names of one of our boys. Crazyyyyy. I love how in your face, this is how I am and I am not afraid to tell the world that I sleep in until 10 and tell my kids to go back to sleep until then, she is. Then there is My Beautiful Crazy Amazing Life. I found her through the Military SO's Blogging Community. ----> that star button over there. She has a son, and another one on the way, and I have only recently found her, but I like what I have read so far. They are stationed in Korea, and just seem very fun. Fifth on my list is Handling With Grace. She is another military spouse, with two kids. Her second was actually just born on the 15th. Reading her blog has made me reminisce about pregnancy. (then I get off the computer and I think about how glad I am that I can not get pregnant anymore haha)
Check them all out, they are fantastic women!

Monday, March 18, 2013

This little boy...

misses his daddy very much.

We got a 45 minute FaceTime date last night and 30 of those minutes, the Monster had the phone <3 The other 15, he was telling me that I needed to shhhhh so that he could tell daddy something he forgot! He may seem like a mommas boy, but as soon as Daddy is gone, it is very apparent how big of a daddys boy these boys are.

Here we go again!

March 14th- Whats on my iPod?
....I do not have an iPod. Before your jaws hit the floor I have an iPhone!! ...but there is no music loaded on it, now your jaws can drop haha. I have a million and twelve playlists on youtube though! I am currently listening to my playlist from 2000. Amazing year for music! I hate music these days. I miss hair bands, boy bands, girl bands, Britney before she went crazy, etc etc etc.
March 15th- Ten things that make me awesome.
I have no idea what others consider awesome, so I will just rattle off ten randome "awesome" things about me.

  1. I love Eminem. 
  2. I love my mom, but when I call her and get to listen to her ringback tone (Whistle by Flo Rida) I get seriously disturbed and leave messages on her voicemail telling her how wrong it is that a 42 year old woman has that as her ringback tone. Ew. 
  3. I love nothing more than to nerd out on the couch with my husband spending a week watching every single Star Wars Episode, LOR movies, Harry Potter movies, etc.
  4.  My absolute favorite thing to do is blast my playlists on YouTube and dance with my kids, (yeah, my four year old knows the lyrics to Just Lose It by Eminem and Country Girl Shake it for Me by Luke Bryan and Smack That by Akon. Yell at me haters, my mom sure does! haha)
  5. I am in the process of buying enough balls to make an adult sized ball pit for me the boys.
  6. I married Andy Griffith. No joke, that is my husbands name, do not ask me why his parents named him that, I have not asked them yet. Although EVERYONE including my mailmen (plural) always ask me. 
  7. I am funny, but it happens when I am trying to be serious, which is really annoying when I am trying to make a point.
  8. I am a blonde. Not literally, just in the head space sense.I have searched for my keys for 20 minutes only to realize that I was holding them. I once accused a friend of hiding my phone from me...after calling him to demand that he tell me where it was. I leave my lights on in my car and kill my battery, I do ridiculous things like that. My dad always said it was because I bleached my hair when I was younger and it "must have got to my brain." My daddy is a funny man.
  9. I can read an entire 800 page book in one night. I am not the fastest reader, but I am definitely fast. 
  10. I am positive I am an awesome wife. Who else spends forever finding the perfect mini fridge that can fit maximum beer in it for the man cave downstairs? Who else demands that their husband go golfing every Sunday with their best friend, or tell him to use the entire tax refund on tools and his mancave? Yupp, I am awesome. 

March 16th- Biggest accomplishment
My biggest accomplishment is my kids. Cliche, I know. However it is not that my accomplishment is that they are perfect angels, because they are not. My accomplishment is that *I* am in charge of teaching these two mini humans about the world, and I have not screwed up yet. That I know of anyways. I mean, they are still alive and smiling, that counts right?

March 17th - Why and when did you start blogging?
I am acutally not sure when I started, this is actually my third blog. Each one I have started has been because I want a place to get stuff out of my head, and keep a place I can read later on in life. A kind of reminder of things that happened. Plus, if I ever end up with Alzheimers, I can read this. I remember when I was about 7 years old we went to my great grandma Ella's house to visit her and she got us some sherbert, sat us at the table, and then asked my grandpa who we were. You would not think that would be a big deal, but it was. I was completely heartbroken and angry that my grandma did not know us, I mean we had been down there often that summer. It stuck with me all these years. When my dad explained it to us later why she did not know us, I became terrified. So I have journals from middle school/high school that I keep, and now I have this in addition to my kids baby books and journals. I do not want to forget anything. I want to remember everything. Pretty simple explanation.

March 18th - When am I happiest
I am probably happiest when I am with my husband and the kids and they are being silly. Some days however I am happiest when I am all alone after the kids have gone to bed and I can clean up and then sit on my couch and relax. It just depends on when you ask me.

As for the rest of life. I am still in ND. T_T
That should tell you my current mood haha Oh well, I will just have to listen to Britney- Circus and go to my happy place!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I think it is pretty clear by now how much I suck at this

Yeah, that blogging every day challenge, totally not happening. I am much better at playing catch up and posting a few days at once! So here goes:
March 10th - Daily routine. We have a loose schedule here, and it mostly revolves around the Munchkin. I usually wake up when he wakes up. However since we got the puppy, and my husband is gone, I have been up every morning by 7 at the latest. It is fantastic. You can not tell but that was dripping with sarcasm! Anywho, when the Monster wakes up, he comes into my room to let me know he is up. Then he goes back to his room and plays quietly in his room, or crawls into bed with me until I get up. Once everyone is up for the day, we do breakfast, then the kids play until about 11:30 or 12. Then they get lunch, and naptime. I normally take advantage of this by napping with them. I have always taken the whole sleep when the baby sleeps thing seriously...even though they are 2 and 4. Judge me! haha When they wake up, the Monster normally wants an apple and some yogurt and then they play together while I take some time to clean the house because I am that crazy person that thinks if you clean while your children play, you will get somewhere. FYI, you do not, someone really needs to stop me. Then comes supper, bathtime (only every other day) and then bedtime. It is not a strict schedule, but enough of one to keep the Munchkin happy knowing what is going on next.
March 11th - Last book I read. Skinny Bitch. That is seriously what it is called, and it is disgusting. It is the reason I have not had any soda in three days, and no meat since finishing reading it those three long days ago. It is a book that leans towards going vegan. I actually read about it over at Don't Quote the Raven. It is a blog that was recently shown to me by a friend and I seriously think I would attempt to marry Mrs. Raven if we were not both already taken haha. Now, I will not be going vegan because I love eggs covered in salt and cheese. But giving up meat? No problem, I never ate much of it anyways. Except bacon. I once broke a microwave because I microwaved so much bacon in it. I think we did 3 lbs of bacon that night. Luckily, my mom lived next door, so I sent my sister over to her house to finish the bacon making haha. I kind of have an unhealthy obsession with pork. I love pork chops, bacon, spiral ham, anything pork. So this is the hard part. However, after reading the book, it is a lot easier to resist the pull of pork. When I say it is disgusting, I mean it is very very upfront about what is in what you are eating. If you do not want to know, do not read it. Seriously. But if you are interested, it is a good book! Just do not eat it while eating meat...or drinking milk. *shudder*
March 12th - Something you miss. I miss my family. I grew up moving around from state to state, so you would think that I would be used to being far away from loved ones. I actually suck at it. I whine a bit on my facebook page about it actually. I miss my brother more than anything. You see he was killed. I will never again hear him. I can talk and talk to my other siblings, but I can never talk to Ryan again. When he was 10, he was riding his bike selling pizzas for his boy scout troop. He was struck by a man who drove off and left him to die. The man was caught, but only got ten years in jail. Ten years which is up in two years. There really is no justice in this world. He gave some crap excuse about thinking about his son and that is why he ran. Correct me if I am wrong, but had I hit someone, I would think of my sons as well. I would think that if someone hit them, I would want them to stop and HELP them. I would want them to call for help. Get an ambulance down there. Would the ambulance getting there earlier have helped? I do not know. The doctors had some opinions, sure. But we will never know. That is so hard. Not being able to say goodbye is torture to think about. Running through the last things my sixteen year old self said to him about being home on time is torture. The whole situation sucks for lack of a better word.
March 13th - Do I have regret? Of course I have regret. Anyone who says they do not regret anything is a liar or so heavily medicated that they may not count as human anymore. I feel regret for a lot of things. As I just mentioned, for the last day I had with my brother. I spent it bossing him around. I regret so many immature things I did in high school. I regret putting everything I had into my relationship with the Monsters biological father. It made it hurt that much more when we split. Then I regret that I regret that. It is a crazy mess in my head. I regret being awake right now when my kids are fast asleep. I regret stupid things, I regret terrible things, I regret things that I probably should not regret. Alas, I am human, so regret is a huge part of my life.

Now that we are all caught up on the challenge, I may actually go to sleep. Or clean my microwave, I am not sure which one yet.

Monday, March 11, 2013

K is for..

Kiss my you know what North Dakota, I am high tailing it outta here!
I have the best husband ever. Have I mentioned how amazing he is?? He is the best father and the best man I know. 

Look at that face. I love that face. I have very few pictures of him smiling, so I love this picture. I have exactly one picture of the two of us together. Can you tell that he hates pictures? My grandma has a few pictures of us together, I have to ask her for them. Luckily, she does not take no for an answer and she is impossible to ignore. I think it is because she is so tiny. Seriously, I tower over her (at least a full head) at my grand height of almost 5' 2" so she is tiny. He just gave up because she was going to take our picture no matter what he said, whether he was looking or not. So in the interest of getting it over as soon as possible, he complied. 

Anywho, back to why he is so amazing. He left for California on the 6th. Which really sucked because I had to spend my 24th birthday without him. It turned out to be awesome though because a friend of mine came over with an amazing present and made me the most yummy cake ever. We stayed up until 2 talking about everything and nothing. <3 So my birthday did not suck all over, just the fact that he was not here with me. So he and I worked it out so that myself, the boys Godfather and the boys would be heading out to California at the beginning of April to join him. Then he called me today. 

To tell me that he missed me <3

He misses me so much in fact that he wants me to bring the boys out this weekend instead. 5 days without us, that is a new record before he starts going crazy. Normally it takes about two weeks of him being gone before he starts wishing he were back home waking up to the monster and munchkin jumping on him and climbing on his face opening his eyelids. Not that I let them do that, that would be awesome mean of me.

So yes, as long as the boys Godfather can get his leave approved, we will be headed to California sooner than expected. We do have to wait until after his PT test, but that is this week anyways so I am content with that!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

J is for....

J is for Justice. There is none in this world.

Here is a picture of what I am looking at out my window right now. Snow, snow and more snow... and it is still snowing. 

And then this is a picture from my husband who is in VEGAS right now with his work team. See? No. Freaking. Justice. I just have to keep telling myself that in 22 days, 11 hours and 47 minutes the kids, their godfather and I will be headed towards warmer weather and most importantly, my husband! Not that I am counting or anything.

Anywho. Catch up time! March 8th is biggest pet peeve. This would have to be open cabinets and clicking pens, or tapping feet...or any repetitive noise really. March 9th is my bucket list. I am not going to post my entire bucket list, but the main ones are get my degree, foster and love a child that desperately needs it, take all the kids on a trip across Europe, go to Scotland/Ireland/Thailand with just my husband spending nights in adorable cottages and spending our days exploring. Retire in a house with a giant yard with a classic white picket fence so that our grandchildren can visit often and we can be outside as much as possible, and most of all, grow old with my husband and love each other more than the day before. I have several small random acts on my bucketlist, but these are my favorite ones that I look forward to the most. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

There is a reason I wanted to start this blog challenge...

And it was because I wanted a reason to blog every day. Alas, I have failed. So I will be doing the 6th as well as todays.
First things first, it is my birthday! I am officially 24 years of age today :) My husband agreed to let me get a puppy for my birthday and boy is he a cutie! 

See? We have yet to officially name him yet, but he is a klutzy cutie pie. I love him already!! The Monster instantly bonded with him, and the Munchkin is a teensy jealous but is warming up fast.
Anywho, enough about my egotistical look at me! look at me! I have a puppy! cries. The sixth of March was the last random act of kindness I did. I guess technically it would be I paid for the mom behind me in the drive through at McDonalds. I could hear her pleading with her kids to just let her order their food and her coffee and then she would look at whatever it was they were yelling about. I took pity because I had had one of those days the day before. I do not generally like to advertise acts of kindness like that though because I feel like they lose some value if you are telling everyone about it. Like you are looking for validation. I think everyone should try doing something nice, and not telling anyone. See how much your week improves :)
The seventh of March, (today, my birthday! Did you SEE that adorable puppy???) is my dream job. Growing up it changed a lot, but I have decided what I really want to do is be a social worker. I know the pay is normally crap and it normally gives you a jaded view of the world, but the opportunity to help children who genuinely need help? That appeals to me, how could it not appeal to someone? I want to help children get placed with genuinely caring foster parents/adoptive parents. I want to make childrens lives better. 

Anyone elses dream job not so glamorous? 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

30 day blogger challenge

I have seen a few of my friends doing this 30 day blogger challenge so I am gonna hop on the bandwagon here. Here it is: 

It is already the 5th of March so I will play catch up on this post :)
March 1st is a self portrait and five random facts about myself. So here I am! 

  1. I love reading, and will read anything. I think my biggest selfish wish is to have the library from Beauty and the Beast.
  2. I will be 24 in two days.
  3. I truly believe that you need to have a positive mind in order to have a positive life. If you focus on the negatives, that is all you will ever see.
  4. I am so far removed from society it is almost a joke. I constantly hear new slang that I have no idea what it means, I can not keep up with trends, nor do I wish to. My husband calls me "my little sheltered one" often. 
  5. I do not enjoy getting drunk. If you enjoy it, that is all fine and dandy, but I am so much of a control freak that I have only been truly drunk all of four times in my life. I will have a drink now and then but one or maybe two is my limit.
March 2nd is favorite quotes. Mine are "Some days, even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help." "Everybody seeks happiness! Not me though! That's the difference between me and the rest of the world, happiness isn't good enough for me. I demand euphoria! Both are from Calvin and Hobbes.
March 3rd is what makes me happy. My children make me happy, my husband makes me happy. My life makes me happy. Can not get any better than that <3

March 4th is best childhood memory. This one is actually pretty easy. My parents did something where every Sunday was "daddy day" when my father was actually home and not out on a ship somewhere. Each Sunday one of us kids got to pick what we did, rollerblading, kite flying, golfing, board games etc... This Sunday my brother Ryan I think is the one who got to pick and he picked kite flying. I am the one in back with my little sister in the dress and my little brother in the hoodie.

And then today, March 5th is favorite movies that I never get sick of watching. They happen to be Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, any Marvel comic movie i.e. Thor, The Incredible Hulk, etc etc. I also love the Harry Potter Movies, Lion King, What Dreams May Come, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Brave, How to Train Your Dragon and the list goes on and on. I could seriously watch those movies again and again and again.

Now that I am up to date, I will be back tomorrow :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

I is for....

I is for illness.

I know I do not have a ton of people that read here, but I do have some. I feel guilty because I have not blogged for a bit and feel like I owe you all an explanation. A bug has taken over my house! I got sick for a few days and then my youngest got sick. Turns out my Munchkin has a nasty ear infection and bronchitis. He is on the mend, and I myself am better. Crossing my fingers the Monster or my wonderful husband does not catch it! Until then, the Munchkin is on antibiotics and breathing treatments, as well as seeing the doctor twice a week. But it turns out as long as we have tigger, the doctor does not bother us THAT much :)

Poor baby was struggling to breathe so we had to stay at the hospital a few hours and get some fluids in him since he had stopped eating/drinking/peeing because of his ear infection. Luckily they knocked him out for the IV and he slept hard. Lucky because he had not slept more than a few hours the two nights before we could see the doctor.
Hopefully he gets better by the 1st of April because we are going to California, and road trips suck if you are sick!! Daddy is going to be there for a TDY and the boys Godfather and I are going to drive out there with the kids the last few weeks that Andy is out there. This way we can do some sight seeing and the boys can finally meet their cousins! I have a niece and nephew that I have yet to meet out there so I am extremely excited :) So I will be back to blogging normally when the Munchkin is better and I have some energy to do more than take care of the kids, do the dishes/laundry and lay on the couch watching twilight. Team Edward for the win! Judge away ;)