Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19th

What blogs do I follow and why? I follow seven so far, but today only calls for five.
I follow Becca. Mostly because she and I have been friends since high school. Then she moved to California and I had my oldest, and then she moved back to Iowa and moved in with me. We were AWESOME roommates. Together we built giant blanket forts that took up two entire rooms.

We left each other fun notes. I woke up to those notes all over my mirrors one morning. We went to walmart at 2 AM to get fairy wings, white tanks and markers and in my case a purple wig. Then we colored on our shirts, donned our outfits and went to Ihop. Purple hair really is not my thing, but it was a BLAST. So when I got married and moved away since my husband is Air Force and we got stuck in ND, I only got to see her when we went back home to visit family. Then she went and got married and her husband joined the Army. So now she gets to live in Alaska, (I am completely jealous!) and I will not see her for god only knows how many years. I have a sneaking suspicion that she is gonna sneak through in July because that is when our game of tag is active. Do not ask. Yes, we shamelessly stole the idea from a yahoo news article. So until then, I stalk her blog and her facebook.....and possibly her phone.
I follow Kelly Mae. I have never met her in person, nor anyone else on my list. I love following her though because she happens to have grown up with Becca, and I was introduced via facebook. While I have never met her in person, I can confidently say, she is one of the sweetest people I know. She is a great mother, I look up to her in that sense. She gives off an image of class and having it all together, even when she admits she does not (but who does?) I know I should give some crap line about how I am the best mother ever, but the truth is I am not. I hope to be more like her actually. Which sounds kinda stalkerish crazy I suppose since I have never met her in real life. For example, she homeschools her kids, she made them a bug farm in their house and she takes her kids places often. All things I want to do, but the idea of a bug farm in my house is terrifying to me and I will not do it. My kids hardly leave my house except in the summer, when we spend our days at the lake, devoid of human contact. I want to start more playdates for the boys. Right now we have a standing playdate every Friday, and my Monster calls them his best friends. However I wonder if two friends is "enough." They are sweet boys who love to play with Monster, but I wonder if maybe he needs to interact with more than just two other kids.
The other blogs on my list, I just stalk for fun. Don't Quote The Raven is an amazing very truthful hilarious blog. I love reading what she has to say because much of what she says regarding her two boys, I feel the same about. From her love of Britney, to her love of sleep, I can say we have a lot of similarities. Including the names of one of our boys. Crazyyyyy. I love how in your face, this is how I am and I am not afraid to tell the world that I sleep in until 10 and tell my kids to go back to sleep until then, she is. Then there is My Beautiful Crazy Amazing Life. I found her through the Military SO's Blogging Community. ----> that star button over there. She has a son, and another one on the way, and I have only recently found her, but I like what I have read so far. They are stationed in Korea, and just seem very fun. Fifth on my list is Handling With Grace. She is another military spouse, with two kids. Her second was actually just born on the 15th. Reading her blog has made me reminisce about pregnancy. (then I get off the computer and I think about how glad I am that I can not get pregnant anymore haha)
Check them all out, they are fantastic women!

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