Monday, March 4, 2013

I is for....

I is for illness.

I know I do not have a ton of people that read here, but I do have some. I feel guilty because I have not blogged for a bit and feel like I owe you all an explanation. A bug has taken over my house! I got sick for a few days and then my youngest got sick. Turns out my Munchkin has a nasty ear infection and bronchitis. He is on the mend, and I myself am better. Crossing my fingers the Monster or my wonderful husband does not catch it! Until then, the Munchkin is on antibiotics and breathing treatments, as well as seeing the doctor twice a week. But it turns out as long as we have tigger, the doctor does not bother us THAT much :)

Poor baby was struggling to breathe so we had to stay at the hospital a few hours and get some fluids in him since he had stopped eating/drinking/peeing because of his ear infection. Luckily they knocked him out for the IV and he slept hard. Lucky because he had not slept more than a few hours the two nights before we could see the doctor.
Hopefully he gets better by the 1st of April because we are going to California, and road trips suck if you are sick!! Daddy is going to be there for a TDY and the boys Godfather and I are going to drive out there with the kids the last few weeks that Andy is out there. This way we can do some sight seeing and the boys can finally meet their cousins! I have a niece and nephew that I have yet to meet out there so I am extremely excited :) So I will be back to blogging normally when the Munchkin is better and I have some energy to do more than take care of the kids, do the dishes/laundry and lay on the couch watching twilight. Team Edward for the win! Judge away ;) 

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