H is for Happiness
I am going to lay myself out in the open on this one. Come clean here because I do not think I can keep this to myself as I have been struggling with this for a couple years. I have been spending a lot of time in hospitals lately. Not because I am sick, I rarely get sick enough to make me go to the doctor. Frankly, I am not a fan of doctors and hospitals. Before this month, I had gone to the doctor one time in the past year, and to the ER once when I had an allergic reaction that left me looking like Gothmog from Return of the King. Yeah, it was attractive, my husband and the ER staff had a wonderful night talking about the similarities though, and deciding whether I looked more like Gothmog or Gollum. Gothmog because of the swelling, Gollum because they put these drops in my eyes to make sure I had not scratched my eye up. The drops made my eyes glow yellow in the dark. When I refused to mutter about my precious and instead elected to give them orders to shut the crap up, they decided on Gothmog, especially with the swelling of my eyes and face.
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Gothmog, General Orc from Return of the Kings |
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Gollum, from all of the LOR movies |
For those of you who do not read/watch Lord of the Rings, there are the two characters I am referring to. Now go read the book and watch the movies, I guarantee you will not be disappointed!
Anywho. As I was saying, I do not like doctors and it normally takes something extreme for me to go in and visit one on my own accord. So I am now officially being medicated. If you know me, you know that I am a control freak. Mostly about things at home, but in generally everything. I have only been drunk three times in my lifetime actually, because I do not enjoy being so out of control. I will have a drink now and then, but I always stick to one, and normally maybe once every three months or so. I get angry when I ask for a washcloth, and someone brings me the wrong color, even though I did not specify a color, I get mad when things are not done exactly the way I want them, and when I want them. I just get annoyed and angry unless I am doing it. And then I get angry that I am the only one that can do whatever it is "right."
Yeah. I am a basketcase. Nutjob. Wacko, you name it. Basically with the way I was raised and the experiences I have been through, I became a control freak to cope. I was raised by a mother who was also kind of a control freak. If our rooms were not clean, she would dump the drawers out of our dressers and make us start over again. The house was always perfect and when our room was not clean she yelled a lot and threw things. One time she threw a doll so hard that it actually went through a wall. No joke, there was a hole in our wall that we covered with a poster until we were getting ready to move because she threw a baby doll at it in frustration. The way I was explained this was my brain wired itself to think that was normal. However I did not become a neat freak/control freak until later on because it had not been triggered yet. She got on prozac and became "normal." She did not care as much about those things, and she stopped yelling so much. It was pretty awesome.
When I was 16 my brother was killed. He was 10 years old, and he was killed by a drunk driver in a hit and run. It took a toll on all of us, but my parents became basically useless. I do not blame them for anything at all. It was devastating obviously, and my mother has even told us how she was grateful that my sister and I were older. Because if we had been younger, she is not sure she could have gone back to parenting. She kind of checked out for a few years mentally. It really felt like my sister and I had lost her as well until 2008 when she fully let herself begin to heal. After that, I moved out of the house and I rebelled. I did not want to take care of anything, I did not want to be responsible, I was a messy person. Then I had kids, and moved away from my family and moved a few states away with my husband. At that point, I realized that I was on my own up here in a place I had never been to and a place where I knew no one. Even when I did move out of my parents house, I only moved a few yards and rented the house next door. I was not used to being so utterly isolated. So I started "coping" and becoming a paranoid control freak. I can admit I am paranoid. I will not leave my children with anyone except for three people up here, and even then, I can not leave them for more than a couple hours because terrible senarios play out in my head. It is not that I do not trust the friends to take care of them, it is more that I think if I am not there, something WILL go wrong and I can not do anything and I will not know.
I do not like my husband to be out driving after dark on a weekend. I just do not trust other drivers. So many people drive drunk, and they normally kill the other person they hit, instead of themselves. I know that it can happen at any time. Hell, my brother was killed in the early afternoon. But that is what my brain is telling me, after dark is dangerous. Leaving the kids with someone else can result in a house fire, or a random public shooting. I. am. crazy. paranoid. So I cope by controlling everything. I clean, and I control. I like things done my way and I like them done when I want them done. I like calling the shots, it is stressful, but letting someone else be in charge is so much more stressful for me. Even the slightest change in plans will throw me off, and make me angry. Say I need to go to the store and my husband wants to drive home after grocery shopping. Okay, that is fine. Then he stops off at Game Stop, which is ON the way home, and just a five minute stop. But I get angry that I was not notified that we were stopping there beforehand. If I am told you will be here at a certain time and you are late, I will stress out, imagine all sorts of terrible things, and then when you show up, I get angry because you are fine, you were just late. If my husband goes out, he tells me where he is going. If he goes anywhere else, he calls or texts me to let me know because if I find out later, I will go ballistic and I even get mad when he tells me because it was not part of the plan beforehand. I used to be spontaneous. I once drove half an hour with a friend to someones house at midnight to dance in the rain in front of their house for ten minutes because he did not believe we would do it, and then drove home. But I have lost that spontaneity. I am working on being more spontaneous, but so far the best I can do is invite someone to a movie the same day it is playing. I normally text them in the late morning/early afternoon and say hey, wanna see a movie tonight with me? <---that is the extent of my spontaneous adventures sadly. Hey, it is a start though!
So I have been seeing a doctor this month because I am tired of living like this and putting my family through this. More importantly, my four year old Monster has started exhibiting the signs of being like me. He thinks that mommy is god and is always right. So when he builds a castle, he does it exactly like on the box. And if a friend tries to change it or add a block, he has a meltdown and starts crying because it is not right and the way it goes. For that reason more than anything I want to change. I know that I am selfish for not wanting to change just because of what I put my husband through dealing with me, but I just was not motivated by it. He has accepted me as I am, and saw no reason to push me to change. He just deals with my crazy and complains every few weeks about it if he has had too much to drink. But seeing my sons imagination crushed, kills me. I do not want to be the one who does this to my boys. I do not want my boys to grow up thinking that this is normal.
So I went to the doctor. I even wrote it down on a notepad and gave it to the nurse so I would not chicken out. You see I went in to see two different doctors about it about a year ago as well. I told them I thought I needed put on prozac or something to help me, and that was what helped my mom. The first doctor said okay, I will write you out a prescription today. He did not ask me any questions, did not talk to me about anything, did not do anything. So I left immediately and convinced myself I needed to get out more and take up some hobbies outside of the house and get away from the kids. The second doctor I saw asking about it, he told me that I did not need to talk to him about it, to go down to mental health and talk to them about it. It was the single most rude thing that has ever happened to me at a hospital. And if you knew how rude the doctor that delivered my youngest was, you would know that is very very rude. So I left again. I did not come back until this month. I originally went in because I had slipped on my porch scooping snow. I figured my back would hurt for a bit, but it never went away. So I went in thinking maybe I had a slipped disk or something and wanted to make sure it was not anything serious. The doctor I saw was amazing, he completely put me at ease, asked about my lack of a chart and then told me I could continue hating doctors because he was physicians assistant, so it would not taint my hatred of doctors to like him. Turns out I had a muscle spasm and he gave me some meds and is sending me to physical therapy as well. So I went for my follow up on that and gave the nurse my note and asked him what he thought about the prozac. He told me that he really could not talk about it right then because he had another patient who he was already late for her appt but he would be more than happy to discuss it with me if I came back. Even if it was the next day, just to be sure that I told the nurse what I was wanting to talk about that way they scheduled enough time for me.
Today was that day. I got in to see him and he made me feel normal. Even after telling me I am a control freak and my brain is wired wrong. I mean how many doctors can make you feel normal while telling you that? He explained everything to me in great detail, and when I did not understand it, he would use analogies.
My two favorites were these.
Lets say you get a 3 inch cut on your leg. Putting a bandaid over it will not do anything. It will continue to bleed around the bandaid. That is what I was doing by getting a hobby and trying to get out of the house. I was putting a bandaid on myself. Now if you get stitches over that 3 inch cut, it is closed, but it is still a wound. The stitches just hold it together while your body fixes itself. That is what medicine is going to do for me. It is going to be my stitches until I can fix myself.
The second example, was about how I am going to be fixing myself. He has a wife who is also military. She got stationed in England and he got stationed stateside. So for two full years while they were separated, she bought blue clothes to remind her of him because it was his favorite color. Although her favorite color was red and had been red her whole life, she bought blue to feel closer to him. Fast forward two years, and they are together again at the same base. She went shopping and found a top she really wanted. She did not want to buy blue clothes anymore because she did not need them to remind her of him and she knew her favorite color was red. But she still brought home the blue shirt because she was convinced it looked better on her than the red and thought the red looked ridiculous. Her brain kind of rewired itself to believe that blue was the best color for her because she spent the last two years buying everything blue.
So I am going to be seeing a therapist who has told me that he is more of a "life coach." Instead of focusing on my past, he is getting a basic understanding of my background, and then we will mostly focus on my future. I will be getting goals to complete each month, and I will be given tasks to do to help me make myself happier without meds. This whole time, I am going to be on meds. In fact, I took a pill tonight. The goal is to have the meds for 2 years, and he will help me in cooperation with my doctor. After nine months, he wants to lower my dosage and see how I do. Check how my sessions are helping. If I am no where near, we will go back to the regular dosage (which has yet to be determined, we are starting slow because I am paranoid I will turn into a lifeless zombie who does not care about anything.) By the time two years is up, he is hoping that we can take the "stitches" out and I will have healed myself from the inside. If at any time I want to try coming off because I feel I am ready, I can decide that. I just have to tell my doctor so that he can decide how to take me off the meds.
I am very happy with my family. My husband is wonderful, we have wonderful kids and great friends. I love my life and I love my house. I love our lifestyle, we live very comfortably and I am happy with everything except me. So I am taking these steps to say that I am truly happy with everything. I am not a fool, I do not expect everything to be perfect all of the time. I just expect to be happy with myself and not be so angry all the time. I am in charge of this, and I am going to finally step up. For myself, for my husband and most of all for my children.
Yeah. I am a basketcase. Nutjob. Wacko, you name it. Basically with the way I was raised and the experiences I have been through, I became a control freak to cope. I was raised by a mother who was also kind of a control freak. If our rooms were not clean, she would dump the drawers out of our dressers and make us start over again. The house was always perfect and when our room was not clean she yelled a lot and threw things. One time she threw a doll so hard that it actually went through a wall. No joke, there was a hole in our wall that we covered with a poster until we were getting ready to move because she threw a baby doll at it in frustration. The way I was explained this was my brain wired itself to think that was normal. However I did not become a neat freak/control freak until later on because it had not been triggered yet. She got on prozac and became "normal." She did not care as much about those things, and she stopped yelling so much. It was pretty awesome.
When I was 16 my brother was killed. He was 10 years old, and he was killed by a drunk driver in a hit and run. It took a toll on all of us, but my parents became basically useless. I do not blame them for anything at all. It was devastating obviously, and my mother has even told us how she was grateful that my sister and I were older. Because if we had been younger, she is not sure she could have gone back to parenting. She kind of checked out for a few years mentally. It really felt like my sister and I had lost her as well until 2008 when she fully let herself begin to heal. After that, I moved out of the house and I rebelled. I did not want to take care of anything, I did not want to be responsible, I was a messy person. Then I had kids, and moved away from my family and moved a few states away with my husband. At that point, I realized that I was on my own up here in a place I had never been to and a place where I knew no one. Even when I did move out of my parents house, I only moved a few yards and rented the house next door. I was not used to being so utterly isolated. So I started "coping" and becoming a paranoid control freak. I can admit I am paranoid. I will not leave my children with anyone except for three people up here, and even then, I can not leave them for more than a couple hours because terrible senarios play out in my head. It is not that I do not trust the friends to take care of them, it is more that I think if I am not there, something WILL go wrong and I can not do anything and I will not know.
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My brother Ryan <3 |
So I have been seeing a doctor this month because I am tired of living like this and putting my family through this. More importantly, my four year old Monster has started exhibiting the signs of being like me. He thinks that mommy is god and is always right. So when he builds a castle, he does it exactly like on the box. And if a friend tries to change it or add a block, he has a meltdown and starts crying because it is not right and the way it goes. For that reason more than anything I want to change. I know that I am selfish for not wanting to change just because of what I put my husband through dealing with me, but I just was not motivated by it. He has accepted me as I am, and saw no reason to push me to change. He just deals with my crazy and complains every few weeks about it if he has had too much to drink. But seeing my sons imagination crushed, kills me. I do not want to be the one who does this to my boys. I do not want my boys to grow up thinking that this is normal.
So I went to the doctor. I even wrote it down on a notepad and gave it to the nurse so I would not chicken out. You see I went in to see two different doctors about it about a year ago as well. I told them I thought I needed put on prozac or something to help me, and that was what helped my mom. The first doctor said okay, I will write you out a prescription today. He did not ask me any questions, did not talk to me about anything, did not do anything. So I left immediately and convinced myself I needed to get out more and take up some hobbies outside of the house and get away from the kids. The second doctor I saw asking about it, he told me that I did not need to talk to him about it, to go down to mental health and talk to them about it. It was the single most rude thing that has ever happened to me at a hospital. And if you knew how rude the doctor that delivered my youngest was, you would know that is very very rude. So I left again. I did not come back until this month. I originally went in because I had slipped on my porch scooping snow. I figured my back would hurt for a bit, but it never went away. So I went in thinking maybe I had a slipped disk or something and wanted to make sure it was not anything serious. The doctor I saw was amazing, he completely put me at ease, asked about my lack of a chart and then told me I could continue hating doctors because he was physicians assistant, so it would not taint my hatred of doctors to like him. Turns out I had a muscle spasm and he gave me some meds and is sending me to physical therapy as well. So I went for my follow up on that and gave the nurse my note and asked him what he thought about the prozac. He told me that he really could not talk about it right then because he had another patient who he was already late for her appt but he would be more than happy to discuss it with me if I came back. Even if it was the next day, just to be sure that I told the nurse what I was wanting to talk about that way they scheduled enough time for me.
Today was that day. I got in to see him and he made me feel normal. Even after telling me I am a control freak and my brain is wired wrong. I mean how many doctors can make you feel normal while telling you that? He explained everything to me in great detail, and when I did not understand it, he would use analogies.
My two favorites were these.
Lets say you get a 3 inch cut on your leg. Putting a bandaid over it will not do anything. It will continue to bleed around the bandaid. That is what I was doing by getting a hobby and trying to get out of the house. I was putting a bandaid on myself. Now if you get stitches over that 3 inch cut, it is closed, but it is still a wound. The stitches just hold it together while your body fixes itself. That is what medicine is going to do for me. It is going to be my stitches until I can fix myself.
The second example, was about how I am going to be fixing myself. He has a wife who is also military. She got stationed in England and he got stationed stateside. So for two full years while they were separated, she bought blue clothes to remind her of him because it was his favorite color. Although her favorite color was red and had been red her whole life, she bought blue to feel closer to him. Fast forward two years, and they are together again at the same base. She went shopping and found a top she really wanted. She did not want to buy blue clothes anymore because she did not need them to remind her of him and she knew her favorite color was red. But she still brought home the blue shirt because she was convinced it looked better on her than the red and thought the red looked ridiculous. Her brain kind of rewired itself to believe that blue was the best color for her because she spent the last two years buying everything blue.
So I am going to be seeing a therapist who has told me that he is more of a "life coach." Instead of focusing on my past, he is getting a basic understanding of my background, and then we will mostly focus on my future. I will be getting goals to complete each month, and I will be given tasks to do to help me make myself happier without meds. This whole time, I am going to be on meds. In fact, I took a pill tonight. The goal is to have the meds for 2 years, and he will help me in cooperation with my doctor. After nine months, he wants to lower my dosage and see how I do. Check how my sessions are helping. If I am no where near, we will go back to the regular dosage (which has yet to be determined, we are starting slow because I am paranoid I will turn into a lifeless zombie who does not care about anything.) By the time two years is up, he is hoping that we can take the "stitches" out and I will have healed myself from the inside. If at any time I want to try coming off because I feel I am ready, I can decide that. I just have to tell my doctor so that he can decide how to take me off the meds.
I am very happy with my family. My husband is wonderful, we have wonderful kids and great friends. I love my life and I love my house. I love our lifestyle, we live very comfortably and I am happy with everything except me. So I am taking these steps to say that I am truly happy with everything. I am not a fool, I do not expect everything to be perfect all of the time. I just expect to be happy with myself and not be so angry all the time. I am in charge of this, and I am going to finally step up. For myself, for my husband and most of all for my children.
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