Monday, March 18, 2013

Here we go again!

March 14th- Whats on my iPod?
....I do not have an iPod. Before your jaws hit the floor I have an iPhone!! ...but there is no music loaded on it, now your jaws can drop haha. I have a million and twelve playlists on youtube though! I am currently listening to my playlist from 2000. Amazing year for music! I hate music these days. I miss hair bands, boy bands, girl bands, Britney before she went crazy, etc etc etc.
March 15th- Ten things that make me awesome.
I have no idea what others consider awesome, so I will just rattle off ten randome "awesome" things about me.

  1. I love Eminem. 
  2. I love my mom, but when I call her and get to listen to her ringback tone (Whistle by Flo Rida) I get seriously disturbed and leave messages on her voicemail telling her how wrong it is that a 42 year old woman has that as her ringback tone. Ew. 
  3. I love nothing more than to nerd out on the couch with my husband spending a week watching every single Star Wars Episode, LOR movies, Harry Potter movies, etc.
  4.  My absolute favorite thing to do is blast my playlists on YouTube and dance with my kids, (yeah, my four year old knows the lyrics to Just Lose It by Eminem and Country Girl Shake it for Me by Luke Bryan and Smack That by Akon. Yell at me haters, my mom sure does! haha)
  5. I am in the process of buying enough balls to make an adult sized ball pit for me the boys.
  6. I married Andy Griffith. No joke, that is my husbands name, do not ask me why his parents named him that, I have not asked them yet. Although EVERYONE including my mailmen (plural) always ask me. 
  7. I am funny, but it happens when I am trying to be serious, which is really annoying when I am trying to make a point.
  8. I am a blonde. Not literally, just in the head space sense.I have searched for my keys for 20 minutes only to realize that I was holding them. I once accused a friend of hiding my phone from me...after calling him to demand that he tell me where it was. I leave my lights on in my car and kill my battery, I do ridiculous things like that. My dad always said it was because I bleached my hair when I was younger and it "must have got to my brain." My daddy is a funny man.
  9. I can read an entire 800 page book in one night. I am not the fastest reader, but I am definitely fast. 
  10. I am positive I am an awesome wife. Who else spends forever finding the perfect mini fridge that can fit maximum beer in it for the man cave downstairs? Who else demands that their husband go golfing every Sunday with their best friend, or tell him to use the entire tax refund on tools and his mancave? Yupp, I am awesome. 

March 16th- Biggest accomplishment
My biggest accomplishment is my kids. Cliche, I know. However it is not that my accomplishment is that they are perfect angels, because they are not. My accomplishment is that *I* am in charge of teaching these two mini humans about the world, and I have not screwed up yet. That I know of anyways. I mean, they are still alive and smiling, that counts right?

March 17th - Why and when did you start blogging?
I am acutally not sure when I started, this is actually my third blog. Each one I have started has been because I want a place to get stuff out of my head, and keep a place I can read later on in life. A kind of reminder of things that happened. Plus, if I ever end up with Alzheimers, I can read this. I remember when I was about 7 years old we went to my great grandma Ella's house to visit her and she got us some sherbert, sat us at the table, and then asked my grandpa who we were. You would not think that would be a big deal, but it was. I was completely heartbroken and angry that my grandma did not know us, I mean we had been down there often that summer. It stuck with me all these years. When my dad explained it to us later why she did not know us, I became terrified. So I have journals from middle school/high school that I keep, and now I have this in addition to my kids baby books and journals. I do not want to forget anything. I want to remember everything. Pretty simple explanation.

March 18th - When am I happiest
I am probably happiest when I am with my husband and the kids and they are being silly. Some days however I am happiest when I am all alone after the kids have gone to bed and I can clean up and then sit on my couch and relax. It just depends on when you ask me.

As for the rest of life. I am still in ND. T_T
That should tell you my current mood haha Oh well, I will just have to listen to Britney- Circus and go to my happy place!

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