Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I think it is pretty clear by now how much I suck at this

Yeah, that blogging every day challenge, totally not happening. I am much better at playing catch up and posting a few days at once! So here goes:
March 10th - Daily routine. We have a loose schedule here, and it mostly revolves around the Munchkin. I usually wake up when he wakes up. However since we got the puppy, and my husband is gone, I have been up every morning by 7 at the latest. It is fantastic. You can not tell but that was dripping with sarcasm! Anywho, when the Monster wakes up, he comes into my room to let me know he is up. Then he goes back to his room and plays quietly in his room, or crawls into bed with me until I get up. Once everyone is up for the day, we do breakfast, then the kids play until about 11:30 or 12. Then they get lunch, and naptime. I normally take advantage of this by napping with them. I have always taken the whole sleep when the baby sleeps thing seriously...even though they are 2 and 4. Judge me! haha When they wake up, the Monster normally wants an apple and some yogurt and then they play together while I take some time to clean the house because I am that crazy person that thinks if you clean while your children play, you will get somewhere. FYI, you do not, someone really needs to stop me. Then comes supper, bathtime (only every other day) and then bedtime. It is not a strict schedule, but enough of one to keep the Munchkin happy knowing what is going on next.
March 11th - Last book I read. Skinny Bitch. That is seriously what it is called, and it is disgusting. It is the reason I have not had any soda in three days, and no meat since finishing reading it those three long days ago. It is a book that leans towards going vegan. I actually read about it over at Don't Quote the Raven. It is a blog that was recently shown to me by a friend and I seriously think I would attempt to marry Mrs. Raven if we were not both already taken haha. Now, I will not be going vegan because I love eggs covered in salt and cheese. But giving up meat? No problem, I never ate much of it anyways. Except bacon. I once broke a microwave because I microwaved so much bacon in it. I think we did 3 lbs of bacon that night. Luckily, my mom lived next door, so I sent my sister over to her house to finish the bacon making haha. I kind of have an unhealthy obsession with pork. I love pork chops, bacon, spiral ham, anything pork. So this is the hard part. However, after reading the book, it is a lot easier to resist the pull of pork. When I say it is disgusting, I mean it is very very upfront about what is in what you are eating. If you do not want to know, do not read it. Seriously. But if you are interested, it is a good book! Just do not eat it while eating meat...or drinking milk. *shudder*
March 12th - Something you miss. I miss my family. I grew up moving around from state to state, so you would think that I would be used to being far away from loved ones. I actually suck at it. I whine a bit on my facebook page about it actually. I miss my brother more than anything. You see he was killed. I will never again hear him. I can talk and talk to my other siblings, but I can never talk to Ryan again. When he was 10, he was riding his bike selling pizzas for his boy scout troop. He was struck by a man who drove off and left him to die. The man was caught, but only got ten years in jail. Ten years which is up in two years. There really is no justice in this world. He gave some crap excuse about thinking about his son and that is why he ran. Correct me if I am wrong, but had I hit someone, I would think of my sons as well. I would think that if someone hit them, I would want them to stop and HELP them. I would want them to call for help. Get an ambulance down there. Would the ambulance getting there earlier have helped? I do not know. The doctors had some opinions, sure. But we will never know. That is so hard. Not being able to say goodbye is torture to think about. Running through the last things my sixteen year old self said to him about being home on time is torture. The whole situation sucks for lack of a better word.
March 13th - Do I have regret? Of course I have regret. Anyone who says they do not regret anything is a liar or so heavily medicated that they may not count as human anymore. I feel regret for a lot of things. As I just mentioned, for the last day I had with my brother. I spent it bossing him around. I regret so many immature things I did in high school. I regret putting everything I had into my relationship with the Monsters biological father. It made it hurt that much more when we split. Then I regret that I regret that. It is a crazy mess in my head. I regret being awake right now when my kids are fast asleep. I regret stupid things, I regret terrible things, I regret things that I probably should not regret. Alas, I am human, so regret is a huge part of my life.

Now that we are all caught up on the challenge, I may actually go to sleep. Or clean my microwave, I am not sure which one yet.

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