Friday, May 10, 2013

I am back!

So I am finally back after our mini vacation in Cali :) It was a blast, I am going to put up some pictures from vacation and then do a link up with Becca over at iateskinny and skip the catching up. So without any more, here are pictures to Cali, the boys reuniting with daddy and having fun in the sun! 

Now that you've seen a glimpse into our vacation (yes, that was only a glimpse because I take more pictures than a pill popper pops pills.) -say that five times fast- here is the link up that I am stealing from Becca.

  1. Unlike my siblings (that I love very much)... I talk to both of my parents. 
  2. My best friend says... is amazing! She has Ariel hair, can cook anything in the world and is the perfect amount of crazy and real that it takes for me to call her my best friend. Who else can you sit around talking about bowel movements and death plots with? 
  3. People call me... Melissa, mommy or Lissy. If they have a death wish they call me Mel. 
  4. I most often dream... about scary stuff. Last night my nightmares were filled with stampeding people and a giant hole in the ground that me and my boys fell into. 
  5. The best part of my day... is when the kids are in bed, the house is clean and I can relax.
  6. I really don't understand... people. They weird me out. 
  7. I get really annoyed... when people use words they do not know the definition of. 
  8. There's nothing like a... day on the couch ignoring everyone, or so I have been told. I am planning to implement this on Mothers Day, I will let you know if it works ;)
  9. Lately, I can't get enough... of this creation that Andy makes, chicken ramen, eggs and soy sauce. It is freaking amazing.  
  10. One thing I am NOT is... patient. I am working on it though. 
  11. I spent too much money on... hair dye. Seriously, way too much money.
  12. I want to learn... Sign language, it would be awesome to communicate with more people.
  13. If I ever met Tom Selleck, I would... Have met Tom Selleck? 
  14. I can't stop... holding The Munchkin. He gets angry anytime I put him down for more than two minutes at a time 
  15. "I look incredible..." all the damn time :P Yeah, I am that conceited. 
  16. Never have I ever... played this game. Although technically I am playing it now right?
  17. Reese Witherspoon... is one of my favorite actresses!


Let me know what you think! I read all comments and love hearing your input and questions. I'll try to respond to every single comment I see.